Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Pursuing Passions

I had lunch with a friend the other day. She just got a new job which she enjoys. The job offers the right amount of challenge, excitement, and rewards. She is also a new mom. As if all this isn't enough, she said that she is trying to find a non-work interest to be passionate about. People keep saying that work is her passion, she said, meaning it to be a compliment, while she wishes that her life contains more balance.

Thankfully, I don't have her problem. If anything I have too many hobbies. Now my husband thinks that I'm not really passionate about any of my many hobbies. I beg to differ. I'm actually deeply interested about all of them. It's just that there are on;y so many hours and minutes in one day. If I spend an hour playing the piano, I am not cooking or baking or making a craft project. If I learn to speak Spanish, I'm not learning Arabic. What to do. How to choose.

I made up a schedule yesterday, just like I used to do when I was younger, trying to fit some of everything (something active, something creative, and something intellectual) into the week. It may have been fine for Da Vinci to be a renaissance man. It sure is hard for this modern girl to remain renaissance.