Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Too many things to do

It's been more than a month since my last blog entry. One of my resolutions this month is to write in my blog at least twice a week. As my husband says, there are so many stories in me, I should take time to write them down.

Anyway, the tyranny of the modern day is having too many things to do and not enough time to do it. Recently the newspapers, I think it was the Washington Post, reported that partners in law firms are upset that young associates do not want to "work hard". This perception is based on the fact that the new gen Y associates don't want to spend the crazy 90 hours per week at the office. Rather, they would like to spend time away from the office skiing, going to concerts--gasp, having fun! So, the baby boomers complained that the gen Y'ers are slackers!

Putting aside whether balancing work, life, and family is a good thing or not, it is simply ridiculous to expect today's gen Y'ers not to have hobbies other than work. This is probably the first generation of young people who grew up being driven from activity to activity by well-meaning parents--soccer on Monday after school, piano on Tuesday, ballet on Wednesday, art on Thursday. These same well-meaning parents ARE the baby boomers who think that young children need to have enrichment outside of school. And now they are surprised that some number of them would like to continue some hobbies (not everything even, mind you) beyond age 25????

People reap what they sow. At the same time, change and growth happen so slowly, in people as well as in plants, that most people do not realize that change is taking place while it happens. What usually happens is that people take a look one day and are shocked that what they thought was is quite different now. That's why we as human beings have to constantly fight against becoming routine, monotonous, unchanged. Because when other things change around us, we'll be left behind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting thought to tie Y'ers desire for fun time back to yuppies keeping them in activities most days of the week when they were young